WILL OF ROBERT MEACOCK 1857 This is the last will and testament of me Robert Meacock of Birkenhead in the County of Chester, Gentleman, which I make and publish this twenty eighth day of November one thousand eight hundred and fiftyseven. First I direct payment of just debts funeral and testamentary expenses I give unto my son Edward Meacock All my household furniture, plate, linen , china, pictures, books, wearing apparel and household goods except five silver table spoons one of which I give to each of my other five sons and daughters. I give and devise unto and to the use of my son William Meacock his heirs and assigns for ever All that piece of land situate in Tranmere in the County of Chester being my Lot No. 145 of the Tranmere Park Estate Society Yet unconveyed to me and which I direct to be conveyed to him and them accordingly. And I give and devise unto my son Edward Meacock to the use of him his heirs and assigns forever All that piece of land situate in Tranmere aforesaid being my other Lot No. 146 of the said Tranmere Park estate Society yet unconveyed to me and which I direct to be conveyed to him and them accordingly And I give to Mary Meacock, widow, the sum of three shillings weekly during her natural life to be paid to her on the last day of every week from the day of my decease And I give devise and bequeath all the residue of my real and personal estate and effects whatsoever and in wheresoever unto my sons Robert Meacock and Edward Meacock their heirs executors and administrators according to the nature thereof Upon trust to hold the same and to receive the rents issues and profits thereof and by and with the same to pay the interest of the principal monies owing by me thereon as such interest shall become due and with the surplus monies thereof subject to the said weekly payment) to pay off the said principal monies owing by me and for that purpose to layout the same surplus monies from time to time at interest with any Bank or Bankers or upon real leasehold or government security as they shall consider advisable until they shall be enabled to pay off all such principal monies and after payment thereof and of all interest thereon and all costs charges and expenses relating thereto or attending the aforesaid trusts in anywise and also the expenses of altering and converting the dwellinghouse in Hamilton Street Birkenhead now in the occupation of Ms Jeannette into a shop at any time hereafter if my said trustees shall think fit then and immediately thereupon I give and devise unto and to the use of the said William Meacock his heirs and assigns for ever All those my four refuges or dwellinghouses, stables Buildings and hereditaments situate in Meacock Street in Birkenhead aforesaid And after the payment of all such principal monies interest and other monies by my said trustees as aforesaid I give and devise unto my two sons the said Robert Meacock and Edward Meacock All those my refuges? or dwellinghouses, shops, cottages and hereditaments severally situate in Hamilton Street , Chester Street, Back Chester Street otherwise Egerton Street and Meacock Court or elsewhere in Birkenhead aforesaid and all the residue of my real and personal estate to hold the same unto and to the use of the said Robert Meacock and to Edward Meacock as tennants in common their heirs executors administrators and assigns for ever or for all my estate therein according to the nature thereof subject nevertheless to the payment of the said weekly sum to the said Mary Meacock and of the several sums of one hundred pounds a piece to my said son William Meacock to my daughter Susanna the wife of Thomas Evans such two several sums to be paid by my said sons (without any interest thereon) upon the expiration of twelve months from the time of their the said Robert Meacock and Edward Meacock becoming free from the payment of all such principal and interest and other monies as aforesaid and subject also to the payment of one annuity or yearly sum of thirty pounds to my daughter Mary the wife of Alexander Blaylock during her natural life and of one other annuity or clear yearly sum of thirty pounds to my daughter Sarah the wife of William Grace during her natural life such respective annuities to be paid to my said two several daughters upon their respective sole receipts notwithstanding coverture to their respective separate use free from the debts control interference or engagement of their respective present or any future husbands by half yearly instalments the first whereof respectively to commence and be paid respectively on the expiration of eighteen months from the time of my said sons Robert and Edward becoming free from the payment of the said principal and interest and other monies aforesaid And I direct that the payment of the said two several legacies of one hundred pounds each and of the said two several annuities of thirty pounds each shall be and remain respectively charged upon the hereditaments and premises hereinbefore lastly devised to my said son Robert and Edward to their own use as aforesaid and that in case of the nonpayment at anytime of the said respective annuities to my said two daughters or either of them at any the times hereinbefore appointed for payment thereof respectively they or she shall after having given twenty days previous notice in writing to the person or persons liable to the payment thereof requiring such payment have usual and full power of distraint and entry on the hereditaments and premises hereinbefore charged with the payment of such several annuities in addition to all other rights of action and suit or other remedies to which they may be respectively entitled for the recovery of such their respective annuities And I direct that until my said estate shall be freed and discharged from all principal monies interest and other charges hereinbefore directed to be paid by my said Trustees they or the survivor of them his heirs executors or administrators shall on the last day of each year from the day of my decease prepare and exhibit to my other son and daughters who shall attend upon them or him and require the same a full and particular Balance sheet and Statement of the affairs of my said trust estate and of their and his receipts and payments And I hereby declare that the receipts of my said trustees and trustee for the time being shall be sufficient discharges to all persons paying money to them or him under the trusts of this my will for so much money as in such receipt or receipts shall be expected to be received and that such person or persons shall not after such payment made and receipt or receipts given be liable to seek the further application or be answerable for the misapplication or non application thereof in anywise And I direct that my said trustees shall not be answerable the one for the other nor for the acts neglects or defaults of the other of them notwithstanding they should join in any receipt or receipts or other document for conformity sake nor for any loss which may happen from the insufficiency or deficiency of any security or securities or the failure of any Bank, Bankers or person with whom any money belonging to my said trust estate may be invested or deposited nor from any cause whatever not arising from the wilful act neglect or default of such trustee respectively And they my said trustees shall reimburse themselves and pay and allow to each other out of my said estate all monies costs charges damages and expenses which they respectively may pay bear or sustain in the execution of the trusts hereof And I hereby nominate and appoint the said Robert Meacock and Edward Meacock Executors of this my Will And hereby revoking all former Wills and Codicils by me at any time heretofore made I declare this to be me last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I have to the two preceding sheets of this my Will contained in three sheets of paper set my hand to this third and last sheet thereof set my hand and seal the day and year first herein before written Robert Meacock Signed sealed published and declared by the said testator Robert Meacock as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at his request and in his sight and presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses J A Rhodes Solr Tranmere Thomas Bird Chester Street