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Thomas Henry Meacock 1886-1917 killed in action in France, married. Jan 1913 to Elizabeth Ann Barnes and left a son, Frederick Thomas Meacock 1915-1987.
Cutlery Box  Frederick Thomas Meacock A.F.R.Ae.S wife Freda and son Anthony 1941.

Freddie worked with De'Havaland Aircraft Coy. had a book published in 1947 'The Elements of Aircraft Propeller Design', priced at 12 shilling and 6 pence, he was at one point made a Freeman of the City of London (which permitted him to drive sheep across London Bridge if he so wished) Later he worked for the Wilkinson Sword company, while there he was presented with a "Coat of Arms" {see below} from the Heraldic Society.

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Western Australia & Paul Meacock,  Nth.Wales.


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