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                             The Ancient Arms of MEACOCK
    Heraldic Coat of Arms  Moto = Initiative with Prudence

Thomas Meacock + Mary Lived Brimstage
Child William (1744)Baptism 26 Feb 1744 Bromborough m. unknown{Common ancestor of Larry Meacoe & Eric Meacock}

BRIMSTAGE, township in Parish of Bromborrow 3-3/4 miles ( E.) from Great Neston (141 inhabitants 1821)
Children:Ellen 1762 m.J Lloyd 1780, John 1765? ,Edward 1767 m.Ann Hodson, William (1765)+ Hannah {Ann Avery}
Child William 1765 & Hannah lived Bromborough 1789-1791 then Ledsham 1793-?:Children : Robert (1789), Susannah (1791), William (1793), Mary (1795), John (1801), Ann (1803), Ellen (1813).

BROMBORROW, (BROMBOROUGH?) a parish (formerly a market town) partly in the lower, but chiefly in the upper division of the hundred of Wirrall, county palatine of Chester 5¼ miles(N.E.) from Great Neston, containing with the township of Brimstage, 446 inhabitatants. The living is a donative belonging to the Dean and Chapter of Chester, endowed with £200 private benefaction, and £1200 royal bounty; the Lord of the manor is impropriator of the great tithes. The church, dedicated to St. Barnabas, is a small edifice, with a low wooden tower containing some specimens of early Norman architecture. The learned editor of the Saxon Chronicle has enumerated this among the places which, from the similarity of name, may claim to be the scene of the decisive action fought at Brunanburgh, in 937, between the Saxons under Athelstan, and the Danes under Anlaf and Constantine, in which the latter were defeated, and pursued for two days with great slaughter. A monastery was founded at this place, then called Brimesburgh, by Ethelfleda, the celebrated Countess of Mercia, about 912, which was demolished previously to the Conquest, subsequently to which period the manor was given by Ranulph de Gernons, Earl of Chester, to the monks of the abbey of St. Werburgh, to whom Prince Edward, when Earl of Chester, granted a license to hold a market here weekly on Monday, and a fair annually on the eve, festival, and morrow of St. Barnabas; but these have long been discontinued. The courts belonging to the abbey were occasionally held in the manor-house, which was one of those directed by the charter of Earl Ranulph to be kept in a state of security and convenience for that purpose. The parish is bounded on the east by the River Mersey.

LEDSHAM; 6¼ miles (NW by N)from Chester containing 74 inhabitants.

Robert MEACOCK (c.1789- 1858)
Married Mary Pyke in Neston Church 28 November 1814
Witness's John Meacock & John Pyke
Neston Church photographs 1.c1906   2.c.1910 interior  remainder 2003..Click on thumbnails to enlarge.

NESTON (GREAT), a parish in the higher division of the hundred of Wirrall, county palatine of Chester, comprising the market town of Great Neston, and the townships of Ledsham, Leighton, Ness, Little Neston,Raby, Thornton-Mayow, and Willaston, and containing 3216 inhabitants, of which number, 1418 are in the market town of Great Neston, 11 miles (N.W.) from Chester, and 191¼(N.W.) from London. The town is pleasantly situated on the south-west side of a peninsular, formed by the aestuaries of the Rivers Dee and Mersey, and derives its chief support from visitors, during the summer months, for the benefit of bathing : races are held on Whit-Monday and the two following days. The canal between the Mersey and the Dee passes near this town. The market is on Friday; and fairs are held, February 2nd, May 29th , and September 29th , for cattle. A court leet and baron is held annually; a court for the recovery of debts throughtout the hundred of Wirrall, every month; and petty sessions. The living is a vicarage, in the archdeaconry and diocese of Chester, rated in the kings books at £11.5.0, and in the patronage of the Dean and Chapter of Chester. The church is dedicated to St. Mary and St. Helen. There are places of worship for Independents and Wesleyan Methodists. A National school is supported by voluntary contributions; and there is a savings bank.
NESTON(LITTLE), a township in the parish of Great Neston, higher division of the hundred of Wirrall, county palatine of Chester, 1 mile (S.E.) from Great Neston, containing 316 inhabitants.

Robert and Mary lived at Parkgate and Birkenhead Cheshire England
and had nine children two of whom died as infants.

William (1815-1818),Mary(1818) m.A Blaylock (1839),John (1820) m. M Taylor (1842),Susannah(1821) m. T Evans (1842),William (1823) m. M E Joynson (1847) Sarah (1828) m. W Grace (1851), Robert (1830-1830), Robert (1831) m. A Robinson (1856), Edward (1835) m. A Talbot (1858)

(br) PARKGATE, a hamlet in the township of Leighton, parish of Neston, higher division of the hundred of Wirrall, county palatine of Chester, 12 miles (N.W.) from Chester, and 192 miles (N.W) from London. The importance of this place is derived from its being the resort of visitors during the bathing season; it consists principally of one long and irregular range of houses built of brick, which front the aestuary of the Dee, over which is a commodious ferry to Flint: here is a custom-house for vessels loading from the contiguous collieries; formerly this place was a sea-port of considerable importance, and packets and other vessels were employed, especially in the trade with Ireland; but at present it is neglected as a packet station, vessels of burden being prevented from approaching the quay, owing to the formation of a large sand-bank, which greatly impedes the navigation of the channel.

Shown in 1841 census as Flour Dealer of Chester Street Birkenhead living with his wife Mary 45, son John 20, daughter Susannah 20, son William 18, daughter Sarah 13, son *Robert 11, and son Edward 6. and in the 1851 census as a Gentleman widower of Chester Street Birkenhead living with daughter Sarah 22, son *Robert 20(Plumber),son Edward 16( Painters apprentice).
In the same census older son John Meacock (31) baker lived with his wife Mary 27 in Meacock Street Birkenhead. John died 1852 and his wife Mary is the widow mentioned in Robert's Will (1858)

Birkenhead Census papers describe Meacock Court as having 6 + houses off Edgerton Street between 49 and 45 Edgerton Street.
Meacock Street (18 Mathews Place) 1 to 15 Big houses lots of lodgers from Scotland mostly employed in ship building
Click here to read the Will of Robert Meacock(1791-1858)

(click)   AliceMeacock.jpg (35129 bytes)(click) (click 28 Conway St.{photo-1982})
Robert Meacock.(1831-1871) & Alice Meacock (nee Robinson)
Master Plumber/painter of 28 Conway St Birkenhead Cheshire UK, in the 1861 census with
daughters Mary 1857, Dinah 1858, Alice1860
  plus two live in female domestic servants.Employing 21 men and 8 boys.

 Daughters : Louisa 1862 , Elizabeth 1863 , Helena 1864. 

Sons : Walter1866 ( My Grandfather),Sarah Agnes1868 (d.22/6/1871) & Stanley1869.
Landican Cemetery Grave click to enlarge
Inscription on Grave at Landican moved from St.Mary's Priory : To the memory of William Meacock who departed this life January 1845 aged 61 years. Also John son of Robert and Mary Meacock who departed this life 17th December 1852 aged 33 years. Also Robert Meacock who died 26th November 1871 aged 40 years also Alice Meacock wife of Robert who died 22nd August 1874 aged 40 years. Also Sarah Agnes daughter of Robert and Alice died 22nd June 1871 aged 3 years.
Click to go to Meacock Freemason's Page---use browser back button to return here  

Walter MEACOCK  ( 3-12-1866 / 23-5-1945) & Alice M M Meacock nee Jones


Silver wedding portrait to enlarge
Silver tea service & other family heirlooms ......Alice & Walter out walking c.1945

  Walter, born at Birkenhead December 3rd 1866 one of 8 children whose father died at age 40, the mother also died and Walter went to the Masonic School for Boys when he was 11 years old. At age 16 he started work in the office of the Registrar in Bankruptcy, Liverpool. He went to the Liverpool Official Receivers on January 1, 1884, but became articled to John Jenkins, Chartered Accountant, Cardiff Wales in 1888 living in 1891 at 22 Plasturton Gardens Cardiff and active with friends in the Canton Institute.
click to enlargeclick to enlargeclick to enlarge

The Sterling Silver watch chain propelling pencil is engraved
"Presented to Mr W Meacock by a few Institute friends on the occasion of his leaving Canton....June 1892"

Walter qualified as a Chartered Accountant in June 1893 and settled at Newport Monmouthshire as Managing Clerk for Parsons and Robjent and 1896 commenced in practice on his own account. His brother Stanley came from Liverpool and in 1894 and the firm of Walter Meacock and Co came into existence. Walter's eldest and youngest sons, Robert and Wilfred joined the firm. Walter Meacock was a Past President of the South Wales and Monmouthshire Society of Chartered Accountants, Past President of the Rotary Club of Newport and a Past Captain of the Newport Golf Club.


Married Alice Maud Mary JONES 21-8-1894 Cardiff Wales
Sons : Robert Walter 1895, Donald 1896, Stanley Preece 1898,
G. Eric 1902(my father),Wilfred Vernon 1906

2meacocks.jpg (77858 bytes)         KingsleyVilla.jpg (52921 bytes) KingsleyVilla KingsmoreUK.jpg (16879 bytes) Kingsmore UK

Photo : Front Right Mrs Walter Meacock, Iris daughter of & Mrs Stanley Meacock plus Walters 5 sons : (R to L) Robert, Donald, Eric, Stanley, Wilfred         

      Kingsley Villa in gateway (L-R Eric-Stanley-Wilfred) c.1915                  Kingsmore c1927

Robert Walter Meacock (15-10-1895 / 4-10-1962) m. Dorothy Victoria Thomas ( 1897- 1975)
son Graham Walter Meacock ( 19-9-1923 - 2-10-1989)(Click to enlarge) m. Patricia Buckley
2 daughters - Anna Elizabeth (1955)m.Charles Newman children Tom and Will Anna,  & Mary Lucinda (1959)Eric & Lucy 2014

Donald Meacock (1896/?)(click) m. Dorothy Blackburn -( 1 daughter Patricia Mary (Paddy)Blackburn-Meacock) Divorced.
2-m. Winnifred Morton Roberts children. 3-m. Jessie Trotter (1976-)
Stanley Preece Meacock(1898/1975)(click)1-m.1926 Ruth Dingley (daughter Hazel Ruth Meacock m. P Wide)
2-m. 1934 May Evelyn Rogers (daughter Ann Mary Meacock m.1964 S J Tyrrell)
G.Eric Meacock (16-9-1902 /11-6-1977) (click)Married Olive KERR 1-6-1929 Salmon Gums W.A.{divorced}
Long time partner Ruth on whose death.. 2-m.Elsie Ford


Sons : Eric 1930, Walter 1932

100lyal2.jpg (17233 bytes)(click)'Kingsmore' Kalgoorlie WA (Click)Eric jnr & snr Esperance

Wilfred Vernon Meacock (1906-1986)(click)m.1932 Gertrude Mary Thomas
(daughters : Molly Lynette 1932 & Nesta Maureen 1935 m. J E Poles)




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